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Monday, 17 January 2022

New Guinea Football

In the mountains of New Guinea a number of violent tribes have been fighting a ritualistic war that has lasted for hundreds of years. The war consists mostly of skirmishes leading to injuries rather than fatalities (which are rare).

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When anthropologists encountered the tribes they taught them European football to minimize the bloodshed. The skirmishes now only take place on the pitch, and each year the tribes gather for their football tournament.


1 The victims of the skirmishes were all ceremoniously thrown into a nearby lake that was home to a Dark Young. With the skirmishes replaced by a football tournament, the Dark Young is now hungry...

2 The ritualistic approach that the tribes took to the war meant that the fatalities that did occur were enough to keep a Servitor of the Outer Gods bound and imprisoned. With no more fatalities, the Servitor will soon be freed...

3 One of the anthropologists is using the tribes’ emotions, captured as part of the football tournament to summon the Outer God Nyarlathothep.

© Jochen Koltermann

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