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Wednesday, 2 November 2022

Fiends on Film

The characters visit a video store containing obscure films on VHS and DVD. The VHS films are of particular interest because they are bootlegs of unreleased films, director’s cuts, work prints and documentaries. One film, called “Document of the Damned,” stands out.

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The film, which is the unreleased director’s cut of a film released in campus theaters and art houses during the 1970s’, contains footage shot in the mid 20s’ and late 60s’. It is a sensationalistic documentary about witchcraft and the occult containing lots of nudity and exaggeration.

One detailed scene depicts a ritual for summoning demons. It includes a bizarre and convincing monster.


1 The scene is an accurate simulation of the rituals required to summon and bind a dimensional shambler. Anyone studying the film carefully can learn the spells over time.

2 The scene is actual footage of the rituals required to summon and bind a dimensional shambler being performed, although the spells can’t be learned through viewing the film due to its editing.

3 The film contains no actual content related to the Cthulhu mythos. The film’s value to general occultists is also questionable.

© Brian Woodman

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